Saturday 27 February 2010

Advice on attracting positive habits

    The way you trade yourself is the way people will buy you.This is true and real.Jim Rohn said that if you want to attract attractive people you must be attractive,if you want to attract powerful people you must be powerful,and if you want to attract successful people you must be successful.
      I have seen many people who work tirelessly,diligently,sacrifice much and honest yet they fail in their pursue to become something.This is because they have failed to change who they are to become  whom they want to be.You may be looking up to someone in your field,career and profession my advice to you is to call him/her and ask him/her how he made it,after hearing from them then change your person by changing the way you act and think.
     It is simple and pray it will be as simpler for you.This is working and found to be a force in nature .Anything you want to be,achieve and become .First change your person by changing the way you act and think ,then you will see the result.This is appliable in things you might say it is irrelevant,for instance if you want to become fat act as if you have been fat long ago.
     If you want to become slim act as if you have been slim long ago,wealthy people are not rich because they act and think as if they are,it is because they act as if they are.
    This is clear because the world will take the way you have shaped yourself,people like Albert Einstein,Newton and John Faraday are legends because they changed who they were by changing the way they act and think to become who they want to be.
      Try this and you will see the result, the magic is act as if .   


Monday 22 February 2010

success equation and ways to create success

Sucess is the determination that one has in life in areas of his career,field or profession.It is telling yourself the things you want in life and trying to achieve it.Successful people set goals to achieve and do all they can to get at that.

   It is funny that some clamour to be successful yet they dont know the real meaning.People like Bill Gate,Albert Einstein and others were successful because they achieve that they set out.I will give u success tips to follow;
1  Make use of the potential you have.
 2  Dont copy anybody.
 3  Make use of your brain and mind.

  This formula works for others it will also work for you.

Friday 19 February 2010


As they journey on the path of entrepreneurship, many successful businesspeople would identify their intuition or gut instincts as their compass and mentor. Without it, they wouldn’t have achieved the “unachievable.”
“Don’t let the noise of other people drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become,” advises Steve Jobs, Apple Computer CEO what is intuition or gut? For some it is a feeling in their stomach, for others, a compelling vision, and for more its an inner voice; all of which are promoting with conviction, a course of action.

Master your mind to achieve your dreams

During these challenging times what are you thinking? Are you focusing on your dreams or your doubts? Are you moving toward what you want or immobilized in the face of the unknown or uncertainty?
If you are not consciously managing your mind, what you may wind up with (by default) are limiting negative thoughts or beliefs that can lead to the demise of your dreams and your happiness.
How do you manage your mind? By consciously paying attention to what you are thinking and proactively choosing what matters to you.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Digging the well within

Sometimes i ask myself why some people do better than others in life the answer is not far fetched this is because they developed the God given potentials.There is no human being God has not deposited with a talent or two.He may give you the talent of speaking,singing ,acting etc. Find your potential and develop it.Dont blame God.Many of the famous scientist find theirs and developed it .Stop complaining and do something today.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Welcome to Lazzer Motivational

Welcome to Lazzer motivational. I am going to give you some reasons and posts on why and how you should be better than you are now.

Stay Tuned