Friday 19 February 2010

Master your mind to achieve your dreams

During these challenging times what are you thinking? Are you focusing on your dreams or your doubts? Are you moving toward what you want or immobilized in the face of the unknown or uncertainty?
If you are not consciously managing your mind, what you may wind up with (by default) are limiting negative thoughts or beliefs that can lead to the demise of your dreams and your happiness.
How do you manage your mind? By consciously paying attention to what you are thinking and proactively choosing what matters to you.

Your attitudes and beliefs are never neutral. They either move you forward or hold you back. But a lot of us have forgotten that we have the power and ability to choose what we want. Choose to believe in yourself and your dreams.

Why? Because without this practice you open the door to a litany of negative thoughts that sound like, “You’re not good enough, smart enough, and successful enough.” Or another version might be “you’re too old, too young, or inexperienced.” Sound familiar?

Our attitudes and beliefs determine the choices and decisions we make. Negative thoughts usually lead to inertia, procrastination, even self-sabotage. While positive thoughts can lead to the fulfillment of your dreams.
Negative beliefs will hold you back while positive or empowering beliefs will give you the strength to take risks and move forward. So the big question is how do you manage your mind and ultimately build this important muscle?
Think of a time in your life that you didn’t believe something was possible that now you know is. Use this as your new reference point. Manage your mind and you will have a new level of freedom in your life and in achieving your dreams.
But let’s face it. It’s not enough to just think it. You have to prove that you really do believe in yourself and your dreams by taking action.
First, the way to move from a negative thought to a positive one simply requires choice. But for most of that feels like nothing short of a leap of faith. So, for the rest of us I suggest 1) willingness, 2) courage and 3) practice.

The willingness to choose a different thought or belief simply because it matters to you is an empowering and profound way to live.
The courage to act on it to make it real (rather than just a nice idea) and then the practice of doing it again and again until it moves from being a negative belief or thought, to being a positive thought and ultimately through to being transparent or non-existent. This means it’s not even on your radar anymore.
A simple practice you can put into play is what I call “catch yourself in the act.” Pay attention to what you are thinking and if it’s negative or destructive, hit the proverbial pause button. Notice what you were thinking and STOP. Choose another thought and try that on.

Saying it out loud can be powerful. Yes, I am encouraging talking to yourself. We do it all the time but mostly it’s negative. Say something good to yourself about yourself or the situation. Ideally change your behavior or take a small action step to prove to yourself that you believe in yourself.
As you shorten your reaction time you can break this default pattern of negative self-talk and manage your mindset. This will translate into you believing more in yourself, being more positive and taking more risks. I’ve heard some teachers say this is a path to enlightenment. Change your thoughts and behaviors and shorten your response time.

There are dream killers out in the world. You don’t need one more and by the far, the most destructive often lives inside of us. Don’t waste one more precious moment or thought being negative

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